Acupuncture is currently unavailable while Stephanie is on leave.

Acupuncture is widely known for being an effective treatment for musculo-skeletal injuries, however it has been traditionally used extensively for respiratory, digestive, gynaecological, and many other chronic conditions.

At Te Arai Wellness an Acupuncture session with Stephanie will usually take up to an hour. The insertion of needles being left in place for 20-25 minutes of that time. Very often people will drop into a state of deep relaxation whilst the needles are in place and many drift off into a brief but sound sleep.

Each of the organs of the body has its own associated channel or pathway of energy. These are often referred to as meridians. Very fine needles are inserted into points along the meridians with the aim of bringing the body to a point of balance and harmony. Every aspect of the patient’s life is considered before the points are selected - sometimes it may be impossible to change someone’s life circumstance, but by using acupuncture the person may be strengthened so that they are more easily able to deal with what life brings their way.

Accident Compensation Corporation

As a member of Acupuncture NZ, Stephanie is recognised by the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) as a Treatment Provider.

Acupuncture is very effective in treating acute injuries - in general, the sooner the injury is treated, the better the result. Studies show that acupuncture is effective in reducing inflammation and swelling so early treatment of an injury may considerably lessen the time needed for recovery. People who receive acupuncture for an acute injury frequently report that they feel considerably better calmer after treatment, as well as reporting a reduction in pain.

If the injured area is inaccessible due to a plaster cast or dressing, acupuncture points can be chosen above and below the site to treat the injury. Because acupuncture points occur on both sides of the body, the uninjured side may be needled to effect treatment.

Health Insurance

The following Insurance Companies and organisations recognise members of Acupuncture NZ and will reimburse some of the cost of treatment.

Southern Cross Medical Care Society

Acupuncture is covered under the “Wellbeing Plan” which allows for up to $400 per year for acupuncture treatment.

More information can be found at Acupuncture NZ. org