Cupping therapy
What is cupping?
Cupping affects several areas, including circulation, fascia, lymph and muscle tissue. It entails applying suction “cups” (we use glass for Traditional Chinese Medicine fire cupping, and we love our fun Heart Cups).
With cupping, we are moving blood from the interior aspect of the body closer to the surface.
Circulation: The vacuum creates vasodilation, which draws blood flow into the tissue. The expansion of blood vessels also offers a vehicle for release of deep inflammation to the skin surface.
Fascia: Separation of strands of fascia is profound when tissue is stretched in multiple directions by the cup. When we move the cups we are able to get things that have been sitting latent in the body and invigorate flow.
Muscle tissue: Using the vacuum cup on all types of muscle tissue produces effective results. The tissue visibly softens, feeling plump with hydration and blood flow when palpated. We stimulate areas along the para spinal muscles which hold acupuncture points that directly stimulate organs.
The purpose of cupping can be physical or emotional - just as those who have acupuncture might describe a catharsis or release when the needles hit a certain point, cupping operates in the same way from a Traditional Chinese Medicine standpoint.
From our spinal column we have nerves that leave each vertebra and connect to each organ. The base of these nervous connections is what we stimulate on the back.
Thats not to mention the healing power of moving fluids throughout the body. Getting blood flowing in the body is naturally healing. Blood also holds our emotions, so getting things moved helps with the feelings of “stuckness” both emotionally and physically.
Here’s what to expect the first time you get cupping.
Don’t let the red marks fool you, it doesn’t hurt. It feels like a deep tissue massage with a feeling of release that can last for weeks. And those red circles on your skin will disappear within a few days.